Posts in Leadership

An MBA to enrich a pastor’s work

–Ruben Dyck, ’18 Since the day I finished my undergraduate studies, I dreamed of pursuing further education at a graduate level. Working as a youth pastor and taking on more leadership in the church, it would have made sense to attend a seminary. However, with a young family and a full-time job, moving away was Read More…

Business as part of the solution

–Heidi Stoltzfus McHugh, ’17 Business and corporations often assume blame for what is wrong in the world, and the behavior of some regularly contributes to this perception. As someone who spent a majority of her career in the for-profit corporate world in companies from 4 to 1,000+ employees, I know this to be an incomplete Read More…

A mid-career sabbatical

–Gordon Daman, ’19 As I entered mid-career in a time of complexity and disruption, I had a gnawing sense that I required a few more “tools in my tool box”, even after the completion of two undergraduate programs and a professional designation.  For me, the investment in an MBA program was not about a bigger Read More…